Thursday, July 23, 2009

Anybody want a 2 year old?

AHHHH!!!! Abi is the sweetest little devil in the world. She can be so darn cute and then the next second be putting all my hand towels in the toilet, or cutting her hair, or painting her own toenails as well as the carpet, her clothes and anything else that might need a touch of color. I really don't know what I am going to do with this child. I have to constantly be watching her every move or else it's trouble. I know they say it's the "terrible 2's" but Gracie was NEVER this rotten. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death, but she does make my life a little more stressful. So about the offer, you can take her until she's like 30, get her through all the rough stuff, and then I'll take her back. Give me a call if you're up for the job :)


Robyn Cox said...

I thought about your offer Jessi, then I realized I already have a 2 year old! Yikes! Two 2 year olds would probably put me in my grave! Good luck and know I am feeling your same pain! They sure are cute, but boy they wear you out! Smiles!

going gordon said...

We'll take her for a little while.

Elegante Family said...

You've got to love the two year old stage. Really you will miss it, and boys are much worse, just fair warning!!!

Ashley said...

I am so there! My two year old is sooo destructive and into EVERYTHING! I have put her up for sale and then had to add 'or best offer'. I recently put out an add FREE-- AS IS! Love the girl-- just can not keep up with her!

Good Luck!

Amberly said...

I'll totally take her! I've always wanted a girl anyway! :)

DeAnna said...

Well two year olds are hard I can remember Kendall was a challenge at that age. But looking back on it it is a life time of memories and fun, he made us mad and laugh in the same breath. I would take her in a heart beat, send her over. When she is 30 she might still give you stress somedays but it goes so fast enjoy all the up's and downs, in a blink of a eye she will be all grown up and you will look back on these times as good times.