Friday, January 16, 2009

Our new puppy...

For Christmas all Gracie asked for was a "real" dog. Durke has been dead-set against getting a dog since we were married; but one day he came home and said "come look at this". He had found a litter of Aussi pups for way cheap and he said we should get one for Gracie. I was truly amazed, but jumped at the chance so we loaded the family in the car and headed to S.L. When we saw this cute little puppy there was no turning back. We told Gracie that Santa told us we could get a puppy, but we had to pick him up ourselves because he can't carry puppies on his sleigh.

The girls named him "Jake" and I am not sure why, but it does seem to fit. He has been so much fun and we all love him to death. He goes skiing with Durke, watches movies with Gracie, and hangs out with me in the kitchen. Abi's still not sure that she loves him, but she pets him sometimes.

Anyways, something to post about I guess.


Rob & Autum said...

I was looking and I don't have your email. My blog is private so if you will send me your email I can invite you!

Alaina said...

He is super cute. I truly believe that every child should have a dog to grow up with!

Amberly said...

He is adorable!! We always debate the dogt thing too. We can't have one in our house and I feel bad making him stay outside. They become like another family member though, and I think kids should have a pet at some point.